Having a theme for the wedding not only makes the whole thing easier to plan, it also adds zest and excitement to the event. Aside from that, since your wedding marks that special beginning in your life where you and your partner would unite to become one, you would want to ensure that this event turns out to be something extraordinary and special. A theme also makes that possible.
Here are ten of the most popular wedding reception themes of all time to help you make your choice.
1. Color Theme

A wedding reception can follow an all-white theme, which as the name implies, require the use of dominantly white pieces of decoration. This kind of theme, which depicts purity, is a popular choice among many couples.
At the other end of the spectrum is the all-black theme, which can give a gothic charm and sleek look to your wedding. Although white is more commonly used than black is, the latter is now growing in popularity.
Aside from black and white colors, you can use other shades as theme for your wedding. You can have a pink wedding, an orange wedding, a green wedding, or whatever it is that your heart desires.
2. Formal Theme
The formal theme is the dubbed as the "safe" choice that would give you a classic and timeless look. This is the perfect theme for couples who have traditional taste and those who are not fond of experimenting with fancy themes.
3. Traditional Theme
Traditional theme is often confused with the formal theme even though they are entirely different. Traditional themes revolve around folk, culture, customs, origin and nationality. For example, if you are and your spouse-to-be are Scottish, you can hold a traditional Scottish themed wedding complete with a bagpipe player and Scottish decoration for the reception venue.
Now if you are Mexican, a Mexican fiesta wedding reception that includes tangy and flavorful Mexican dishes, hitting of the pinata, and Spanish guitar music can be a viable option.
4. Hollywood Theme
This theme is ideal for couples who are movie fanatic. You and your partner can dress as your favorite Hollywood movie couple (Jack and Rose of Titanic, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Batman and Catwoman, Bonnie and Clyde, Elastic Girl and Mr. Incredible, Morticia and Gomez Addams, Peter Pan and Wendy, and Neo and Trinity of Matrix, among many others.)
You can also decorate the reception area with movie posters or with elements that would recreate the movie of your choice. For example, you can have a replicate version of the Titanic in the reception area to give life to your Jack and Rose characters.
5. Beach Theme
A beach theme adorned with seashells, tiki torches, starfish, and other great beach treasures can surely be a great way to celebrate the reception of your wedding. You can simplify planning by going more specific with the theme such as Hawaiian beach theme, nautical theme, or tropical island getaway theme.
6. Garden Theme
A garden theme can provide a nice breeze and cool ambience for your wedding reception. Decorate the whole place with flowers and balloons, and do not forget to have a tent to cover up in case a downpour occurs.
7. Musical Theme
For the music loving couple, you can have a musical wedding reception. There can be musical production numbers like an interpretative dance of the couple's theme song, a song number from the maid of honor and best man, or musical stage play reenacting the couple's memorable love story.
8. Fairytale Fantasy Theme
For those who lo
ve to fantasize, a fairytale fantasy theme is apt for you. Decorate the reception venue in sheer fabrics, baby's breath, fine flower blooms, fairy's wings, and a huge tower where the dashing groom prince in a shining armor can rescue the blushing bride.
9. Season Theme
Pick your favorite season and dress up the reception event according to this. If you choose to hold an autumn wedding reception, have decors in bold orange, red, yellow, and bronze hues. Silver decors would go great for winter season theme. Pastel shades are perfect for the springtime while bright hues of yellow, blue, and green are ideal for the warmth of the summer.
10. Greek Mythology Theme 
Guests can come dressed as their favorite Greek character or you can simply adorn the venue with Grecian elements to give it a Greek feel. Greek foods and dishes can also be offered.
A theme can make your wedding fun, exciting, memorable, and special not only for you and your partner but also for everyone who is attending your big day. Have fun!
See also: Dress Wedding