The ring of course is a circle and a circle symbolizes infinity, agreement, harmony, rebirth and the universe. In ancient times the rings was connected with the Sun and Moon. It was believed that a ring would protect and was a magical guard, so to speak to ward off all negativity through its continuity. Rings were considered to be magical and/or sacred. Gods and Goddesses even wore rings such as in the Babylonian mythology with tales of the rings of Shamash and Marduk. Rings have always been associated with the magic, the zodiac, and even more. Even today, the wedding ring is believed to hold a kind of power that can be seen when a priest or minister blesses the wedding rings before the couple exchanges them. This practice symbolizes protective powers over their marriage or union.
Now you may be wondering why a wedding ring is worn on the "ring finger". Well, this also goes back to ancient times and once again magic. As you delve into history of the wedding ring and the reason, it is placed on the third finger you will marvel at some of the beliefs.
Here are a few historical facts concerning the "ring finger". In ancient times, the third finger was used to apply herbal medicines to the body because the effectiveness of the cure would be stronger. It was also believed that a nerve from the third finger went directly to the heart. In astrology, this belief is similar, the "ring finger" is called the heart finger because of the belief of the special nerve or vein that was in the third finger connected to the heart and was a symbol of loved and fidelity. No matter where you search throughout history the third finger has always been used a symbol of love, faithfulness, trustworthiness, and fidelity.
With that said, you know just how important the wedding ring has been throughout history is not just a ring but was used as a promise and union between couples. So, now it is time for you to choose your everlasting wedding rings that will not only symbolize your love and devotion for one another but also withstand time and last forever, as your love for each other.
See also: Wedding Gown
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