Some of the earliest recorded mining and use of gold is attributed to the ancient Egyptians. It can be found in their pyramids, which served as tombs for their leaders, and there is much fine jewelry that was created by the Egyptians. Later it was adopted as a standard of money and up until the 1700's many countries exclusively used minted gold coins as their currency.
Gold is repeatedly mentioned in the Old Testament, which are the books that form the basis of the Christian Bible. It has been portrayed in the Book of Exodus as symbolic of rebellion against god. In Communist propaganda, gold is seen as a staple of the capitalistic enemy. In many ways reinforcing this stereotype, credit card companies and businesses have long used the term "gold" to recognize top range cards and customers.
It has many positive symbolic references as well. The Book of Genesis describes Abraham as being rich with silver and gold. Moses covered the Ark of the Covenant with pure gold, because he was instructed to do so. Saints and religious leaders have often been described as having mouths of gold.
Perhaps one of the most common symbolic symbols is the gold wedding ring, which is used in many different cultures. The wedding ring is used as a way to show commitment and fidelity towards your spouse. The most popular design of wedding ring is still the solid gold band. Typically a man's wedding band will be slightly broader than a women's band. These simple bands continue to be popular in part because of how easy it is to keep them clean.
In some parts of France a wedding ring consisting of 3 interwoven bands is very popular. This is used to represent the Christian values of faith, hope, and love. Those in Greek cultures often receive puzzle rings. These rings are made so that upon properly arranging them they form a single ring. Traditionally this represented a test of the woman's monogamy.
In North America, as well as some other countries, women frequently wear two rings on the same finger. The engagement ring and the wedding ring are worn together. These rings are often engraved with a name or a short phrase in the United States. Sometimes in the UK women who have been married for a long time will wear three rings: a wedding band, and engagement ring, and an eternity ring. In Russia wedding rings traditionally consist of 3 interlocking bands of rose, white, and yellow gold.
The gold wedding ring is one of the most recognized symbols in the world. It is used throughout the world and in many religious wedding ceremonies. Those who are Jewish and Catholic often incorporate the ring into their wedding ceremony.
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